Thomas Goossens


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Code Repositories

Agromet project

  • agrometAPI R package to play with the Agromet API

  • agrometInternship Repository containing the reports from or interns. These reports are written with thesisdown package. A report = a specific branch

  • mlr My ongoing contribution to the machine learning mlr R package. This contributions aims to integrate the famous geostatistical modelling gstat package into mlr.

  • defHydWal A simple shiny app coded as a package to explore the water deficit in Wallonia. This was integrated to a shiny server as explained in my post

  • Public Agromet code
    Working tested code related to the Agromet project and sufficiently documented.

  • AgrometeoR Docker
    Dockerfile for AgrometeoR development environment using Docker based on rocker R studio container

  • geoTools An R package aimed to prepare geospatial data that is required for our weather spatialization (DEM, Corine Land Cover, admin borders, etc…)

  • AgrometeoR Spatial Benchmarking Benchmark of various machine learning regression methods

  • AWS Humain Comparison Comparing measurements from 2 types of automatic weather stations

  • Spatialization Review and Benchmarking A review of weather spatialization methods

  • Spatialization methodology Presentation about Agromet Spatialization methodo

Other projects

  • my personal blog
    Where I post my tutorials related to openGIS, data-analysis and Linux stuffs

  • R utilities Global R utility functions

  • R project initializer Create a tree + .gitignore + git init + LICENSE + for your new R project with a single bash command

  • CRA-W revealjs template
    CSS template for authoring revealjs presentations with the CRA-W graphic chart.

Useful books

Data-analasys packages

  • mlr with R
    “umbrella” package for machine learning (Machine learning, more specifically the field of predictive modeling is primarily concerned with minimizing the error of a model or making the most accurate predictions possible, at the expense of explainability)

  • mlr benchmark vis Benchmark Visualizations in R